陆表环境与管理 Research Group of Environmental Management


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Sustain Cities Soc | 基础设施分类管理对城市洪涝风险缓解的影响研究

2024-01-06 | 编辑:admin






The relationship between extreme precipitation events and flood risks: (a) RX5day; (b) R20mm

*Note: When extreme precipitation events of equal magnitude occur, the probability of flood hazards around Yanqing Station is higher, while the probability around Miyun Station is relatively lower. When Rx5day>120mm or R20mm>180mm, the probability of flood hazards around Yanqing Station approaches 1. When Rx5day>250mm or R20mm>300mm, the probability around Beijing Station and Miyun Station approaches 1.


The spatial distribution of flood risks (a) and economic losses (b)


社会经济发展对洪水风险空间分异的解释能力依赖于研究尺度的变化而变化。自然地形是网格尺度洪水风险空间异质性的主要驱动因素(q statistic=0.101),而社会经济发展是社区尺度洪水风险的主要驱动力(q statistic=0.194)作为解释洪水风险空间分异的关键驱动因子,坡度、经济强度、绿色基础设施与其他因子(如蓝色基础设施)交互作用能够显著提升对洪水风险空间分异的解释力度。


Detection of driving factors for spatial heterogeneity in flood risks at grid scale (a) and community scale (b)image.png

(a) Grid scale


(b) Community scale

Detection of interactive factors of spatial heterogeneity in flood risks at grid scale (a) and community scale (b)




Attribution effects of classified infrastructure on flood risks: (a) Green infrastructure; (b) Blue infrastructure; (c) Grey infrastructure

*Note: The results were divided into five classes (Class I-V) according to the attributing effects of infrastructure on flood risks by integrating the natural breakpoint method and maximum-minimum method. Class I-II represents a negative attributing effect, indicating that infrastructure distribution may aggravate urban flood risks, Class III represents a weak attributing effect, and Class IV-V represents a positive attributing effect, indicating a potential role in mitigating urban flood risks.



Key communities for mitigating flood risks: (a) High-risk zone; (b) Low-risk zone 


研究提供了一种洪水风险概率拟合模型,即基于Logistic模型拟合了洪水风险函数。相比于指标评估方法,该方法能够降低人为因素的扰动,较好量化了洪水发生的风险概率和损失分布。类似方法可以拓展至同类快速增长的城市地区。我们将研究结果与以往研究进行了对比验证Liu et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2020),同时这一研究也符合多年来北京市洪水灾情的实际情况。2023729日至82日,一场特大洪水灾害袭击北京,房山区和门头沟区受灾最为严重(Conroy, G., 2023)。我们的研究发现,社会经济条件、自然地形和坡度在不同空间尺度上显示出了较高的洪水风险驱动能力,这或许可以用来初步解释本次北京洪水的可能成因。西南远郊区社会经济发展相对落后,地形条件本身复杂脆弱,此次降雨期间,东南风强劲,与山脉呈垂直走向,充沛的水汽受到地势影响抬升,造成大量降雨,形成了严重的洪水灾害。

尽管各类基础设施对北京市洪水风险造成的差异化影响已经得到了广泛的研究与关注Wong and Jim 2015Haase, 2015Gunawardena et al., 2017我们的研究进一步拓展了对分类基础设施影响洪水风险的认识即在社区级尺度上,识别了绿色、蓝色、灰色基础设施对于减缓北京市城市洪水风险的差异性贡献,基于此可以提出基础设施分类管理和分区规划的政策参考,以指导北京市城市规划。具体来说,改善中心城区灰色基础设施建设规模,将蓝绿要素融入城市社区建成环境中;优化郊区自然基础设施布局,充分发挥蓝绿灰基础设施的协同缓解作用,将是北京市未来开展城市规划和防范洪水风险的重点。



Wang, Yifei, et al. "Attributing effects of classified infrastructure management on mitigating urban flood risks: a case study in Beijing, China." Sustainable Cities and Society(2023): 105141.

原文链接:Attributing effects of classified infrastructure management on mitigating urban flood risks: A case study in Beijing, China - ScienceDirect

(王艺霏 供稿)


陆表环境与管理 Research Group of Environmental Management

